Data protection agreements

In this data protection declaration we inform you about the processing of your personal data.


WeDress Collective GmbH

c/o Impact Hub Vienna
Lindengasse 56/18-19
1070 Wien, Österreich
Data protection officer: Jasmin Huber


Contabo GmbH

We host our website at our processor Contabo GmbH, Aschauer Str. 32a, 81549 Munich, Germany.

The legal basis for data processing is legitimate interest (absolute technical necessity for the provision and delivery of the service expressly requested by you when you access the "website" ) in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

For the operation of the website, the connection data and other personal data are processed in the context of various other functions or services. This is stated in this data protection declaration in detail sections of the individual functions or services.

Registration form

We offer a registration option on our website. When the registration is sent, the data in the registration form provided to us are processed for the purpose of fulfillment of the contract on the basis of the contract according to Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. b GDPR for the term of the contract.

There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. Not providing the data has the only consequence is a registration is not possible.

A data transfer to third parties takes place exclusively to our payment provider MANGOPAY S.A., 2 Avenue Amélie, L-1125 Luxembourg, for the purpose of providing and processing financial transactions in accordance within the legal frame The terms and conditions of MANGOPAY S.A. are available here for download.

Comment form

By commenting on our products, posts, photos or videos the personal data you provide will be processed for the purpose of displaying your comments on our website as well as the internal documentation on the legal basis of the agreement concluded with you according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR (free hosting contract to display your comments on our website). Your name and your comment are published on our website. Your personal data will be stored until the deletion of the comment.

Web fonts

Google Fonts

We process connection data and browser data for the purpose of providing the web browser to display the Fonts required by the website with our processor Google Fonts, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland. These dates are only used for selection and transmission of the fonts for the required duration.

The legal basis for data processing is legitimate interest (absolute technical necessity for the provision and delivery of the service expressly requested by you when you access the "website" ) in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

As far as further independent processing of the data takes place through Google Fonts, Google is solely responsible for this. You can find details in the data protection declaration and in the FAQ of Google Fonts.

Adobe Fonts

We process connection data and browser data for the purpose of providing the web browser to display the Fonts required by the website with our processor Adobe Fonts, Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Irland. These dates are only used for selection and transmission of the fonts for the required duration.

The legal basis for data processing is legitimate interest (absolute technical necessity for the provision and delivery of the service expressly requested by you when you access the "website" ) in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

As far as further independent processing of the data takes place through Adobe Fonts, Adobe is solely responsible for this. You can find details in the data protection declaration and in the FAQ of Adobe Fonts.


When you use Pinterest, our servers record information (“log data”), including information that your browser automatically sends whenever you visit a website, or that your mobile app automatically sends when you’re using it.

In addition, we collect information about the device you’re using Pinterest on, including the type of device. When you’re on Pinterest, we use your activity—such as which Pins you click on, boards you create, and any text that you add in a comment or description.

The legal basis for data processing is legitimate interest (absolute technical necessity for the provision and delivery of the service expressly requested by you when you access the "website" ) in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

As far as further independent processing of the data takes place through Pinterest, Pinterest is solely responsible for this. 


We offer you the opportunity to order products directly from our webshop. In the web shop your entered data as well as data on products you have selected will be processed by the responsible for the implementation of the offer, the conclusion of the contract, the fulfillment of the contract and the fulfillment of any post-contractual obligations prior to the conclusion of the contract on the basis of pre-contractual relationship initiated by you and after conclusion of a contract on the basis of the contract in accordance with Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

Provided that the purchase of our products through an already existing customer account has been made or a customer account is created for the purchase your personal data will be processed until the deletion of your customer account.

Furthermore a processing of your data for the purpose of direct marketing in a way not requiring consent such as addressed postal dispatch of advertising is made.

There is no legal or contractual obligation to provision personal data. However, the provisioning is required to conclude a contract. Not providing the data has the consequence that no contract can be concluded.

The user accounts of registered users remain until the deletion of the account by the user. Contract data are kept until the statute of limitations of possible post-contractual obligations.

Payments are processed by:

Betreiber: MANGOPAY S.A., 2 Avenue Amélie, L-1125 Luxembourg

For lenders, the bank connection and a copy of an ID are saved, processed and provided to MANGOPAY for the purpose of fulfilling the legal requirements for financial transactions.

The terms and conditions of MANGOPAY S.A. are available here for download.

Newsletter services


After you have given your consent, your personal data will be processed for the purpose of providing electronic direct advertising (e.g. newsletter dispatch) until further notice.

For the purpose of sending the newsletter we use our processor Klaviyo, Inc, 125 Summer St, Floor 6Boston, MA 02111United States

The legal basis for data processing is legitimate interest (absolute technical necessity for the provision and delivery of the service expressly requested by you when you access the "website" ) in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

The legal basis for data transfer to the USA is your consent in accordance with Art. 49 Paragraph 1 lit a in conjunction with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit a GDPR. You were informed before you gave your consent that the USA does not have a level of data protection that corresponds to the standards of the EU. In particular, US intelligence agencies can access your data without you be informed about it and without giving you the ability of taking any legal action against it. For this reason, the European Court of Justice ruled the earlier adequacy decision (Privacy Shield) to be declared invalid.

Website statistics

Google Analytics

After you have given your consent, we use Google Analytics to analyze the usage of the website. The data obtained from this are used to optimize our website and advertising measures. This data is sent to transferred to a Google server in the USA. Google follows the data protection provisions of the "EU-US Privacy Shield" agreement.

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States). Google processes the usage data of our website in our mandate and is contractually obliged to take measures in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the processed data.

Google Analytics stores cookies in your web browser for the duration of two years since your last visit. These cookies contain a randomly generated user ID, which is used to recognize future website visits.

The data together with the randomly generated user ID are stored, which enables the evaluation of pseudonymous user profiles. These user-related data are automatically deleted after 14 months. Other data are stored indefinitely in aggregated form.

Facebook Pixel

After you have given your consent, we will use Facebook pixel from Facebook on our website. We have a code for this on our website implemented. The Facebook pixel is a JavaScript code, which loads a collection of functions with which Facebook can track your user actions, provided you accessed website via Facebook ads. For example, if you rent a product on our website, the Facebook pixel is triggered and saves your actions on our website in one or more cookies. These cookies enable Facebook to store your user data (customer data such as IP address, User ID) with the data of your Facebook account. Then Facebook deletes this data again. The data collected are anonymous and not visible and are only used in the context of advertisements. If you are a Facebook user yourself and are logged in, the visit of our website is automatically assigned to your Facebook user account.

We want to show our services or products only to those people who are really interested in it. With the help of Facebook pixels we tailor our advertising to your needs and interests. This is how Facebook users (provided they have allowed personalized advertising) to see relevant advertising only. Furthermore, Facebook uses the data collected for analysis purposes and for its own advertisements.

Right to object

If the processing of your personal data is based on legitimate interest, you have the right to oppose it To object to processing.

Unless there are compelling legitimate reasons for processing on our part, the processing of your data will be discontinued based on this legal basis.

You also have the right to object the processing of your personal data for direct mailing. In the event of an objection your personal data will no longer be used for direct marketing purposes.

The legality of the data processed up to the objection is not affected by the objection.

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to revoke the consent that has already been given at any time by changing the privacy settings.

In the case of consent to receive electronic advertising, you can revoke your consent by clicking on the unsubscribe link. In this case, processing your data will bei ceased unless there is another legal basis.

The legality of the data processed up to the objection is not affected by the objection.

Affected Rights

You also have the right to information, correction, deletion and restriction of the processing of personal data.

As far as the legal basis for the processing your personal data based on your consent or based on a contract concluded with you persists, you also have the right to data portability.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the regulatory authority. You can find information on the regulatory authorities in the European Union here.