
How to become a WeDress Pro


Are you already having spring cleaning fever? If so, WeDress is the perfect place to earn some money with the clothes you rarely wear anymore. 

To ensure you have the best possible experience at WeDress Collective, we've created a guide that will make you a total pro. From a detailed description of the rental process to tips on how to lend more effectively and why you might not be getting bookings, we've got you covered. 

How does lending work at WeDress Collective?

Step 1: Register

Register, verify your email address and add the necessary information to your profile (name, picture, profile description, address, bank details).

Also verify your identity by uploading your ID card under "Verification".

Step 2: Upload


Click on "Lend" and add suitable photos for the article first. Pay attention to the guidelines we have listed under "Our Guidelines". There you can see exactly what you have to consider for the photos. The better the quality of the photos, the more likely your item will be lent.

Category and description 

Choose from the list of product categories. 

A good product description is crucial to getting someone to borrow your item. Since we are all built and shaped differently, an accurate description of the item is very important.

Enter more information

Here you can enter the size, material and color of the item. If the item has any defects, please indicate this here.

Select price and cleaning fee

Simply enter the original price of your item. We will calculate the optimal rental price per day, week and month. You can also adjust this individually if you like. As the person renting the garment, you are responsible for cleaning it, because you know it best. Select any amount here or enter 0€ if there are no costs for cleaning.

Choose delivery option

Select your city and the shipping option that suits you. You can choose more than one here.

Step 3: Manage your booking

Confirm your request and answer any questions you may have about the item.

Step 4: Arrange delivery

Agree on the desired time for the delivery. In some cities we offer a courier service. The item will be collected from you and taken to the other WeDresser.

Step 5: Return 

When the rental period is over, arrange a suitable time to return your item.

Step 6: Earn money

When the whole process is complete, your money will be transferred to your account.

Tips and tricks for WeDressers

Has this ever happened to you? You found a dream piece on WeDress and then suddenly it wasn't available to rent? To make sure this doesn't happen to you and others again, we have a few tips for you on how to optimize the WeDress experience for yourself and others.

Tips and tricks for lenders

  1. Check your messages regularly, it would be a shame if you miss the opportunity to earn money and another person can't borrow a potential favorite piece because you missed the message.
  2. Verify your account by email and upload your ID, this is the only way you can earn money with your clothes.
  3. Add a detailed item description. Only then can other WeDressers be sure that the item fits them.
  4. Please delete items that you have sold or no longer want to lend out.
  5. If you are on holiday or do not have the possibility to lend your items at the moment, please activate the holiday mode in the settings.

Tips and tricks for renters

  1. Book your favorite item a few days in advance, so the person lending it has enough time to see and accept your request. Don't worry, you only need to book the period you need the item!
  2. If necessary, find a back-up option in case a piece becomes unavailable. We are sure you will find another beautiful item to rent!
  3. Read the item description carefully and ask for more details if necessary. We are sure the WeDresser will answer your questions!

We hope these tips will put you in a good position to hit the ground running as a renter or lender at WeDress Collective.