
Experience WeDress without any local borders


In July, we had an intensive exchange with many of you in the form of user feedback conversations and were able to learn a lot of valuable things. One insight: You would like to use the WeDress service outside our core cities and get access to all styles. We take your wishes to heart and from August 23rd we will test our open-city approach, i.e. you can borrow all styles within your own country.

Get WeDress styles delivered directly to your doorstep

As you know, we've been local to our main cities, but according to our user survey, opening up our core cities and making the service available to everyone, no matter where you live, would multiply the choice for renters.

With our new delivery option "Shipping" you can now have all WeDress styles from your own country delivered to your doorstep. Simply select the "Shipping" option when booking and your new favorite item will be delivered to your door.

How does the new delivery option work exactly?

Step 1: Discover over 1000 items you can rent and choose the one you fall in love with. Click on " Rent now".

Step 2: Choose your preferred time period. We recommend booking the item at least 1 week in advance so that the lender has enough time to ship the item.

Step 3: Select your desired delivery option. Here you will also see the costs per option.

Within your city: For environmental reasons, we recommend personal delivery. If you are in a hurry, DHL Go Green or a similar service should also be available.

Across cities: We recommend shipping with DHL Go Green. The renter pays for the delivery of the item through WeDress and the renter pays for the return directly to the shipping service provider. Package shipping must be insured and tracked both ways. The item should be received by the renter at least 1 day before the start of the rental period and returned 1 day after the end of the rental period.

Step 4: When you have selected everything according to your wishes, click on "Add to cart".

Step 5: In the shopping cart you will get to your order overview. Here you can see the selected item, rental period, when you will receive the item at the latest, when you have to return it, the selected delivery option and the total cost. Please note that you are responsible for the return shipping costs, these are not calculated by WeDress.

Step 6: Enjoy your new Rental piece and have a unique experience in it!

What else is there to know?

Return shipping

You as the renter are responsible for the return shipping. The cost is on you and paid by you to the carrier of your choice, not by WeDress. Just send the item back to the owner after the end of the rental period, insured and including tracking. We recommend shipping with DHL Go Green, but basically you can choose the delivery service yourself.

Shipping cross-country

Cross-country shipping must be arranged separately, as the shipping costs are higher in this case and are not covered by the above fee.


Since environmental protection is very important to us, we ask you to reuse cartons and packaging as long as possible. It is best to return the item in the same packaging as you received it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the chat function on our website or via . We are also very happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement of this test run. Your opinion is very important to us, because we want to offer you the best possible rental experience.