
It's all about JULIA RABELLO

Meet the WeDressers
Kollage aus Fotos von Julia Rabello

Meet lovely JULIA, the newest member of our WeDress family! Julia worked in many fields of fashion, such as marketing, art direction, retail and fashion production. Her multidisciplinary experience allows her to connect different perceptions into everything she does. From casting and styling, to directing and brand communication.

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

Well, I would have to say: hats! Nothing says "Hello, I'm here and you can't ignore me" better than a hat, specially the ones I make. I also love everything red. If I could, I would be the crazy lady that wears red from head to toe everyday. I also love structured clothes, for example, blazers and dresses with shoulder pads or bold sillhouettes, playing with proportions is always fun.

Which wardrobe would you like to rent and why?

Oh, this is one is easy. Rihanna's! She is my style-icon and a great inspiration. I just love how different she looks everyday without loosing her identity. She has the attitude to pull-off styles that would be risky for many other people.

Julia 2
Julia 3
Julia 4

Who or what inspires you the most? Why?

It depends on which kind of inspiration we are talking about. Strong women always inspire me to be a better person and fight for my dreams and for the ones that run with me. For my career, all of those that started from zero and made it happen by themselves. As for my designs, art and life itself inspires me and sometimes, that little bit of magic that just comes when we least expect.

What do you like the most about WeDress Collective?

I feel that the amazing sustainable side of WeDress is too obvious to talk about. So I'll go with the supportive bond that it creates between women. In a world where women were teached by older generations to be "rivals", supporting and sharing with each other is a revolutionary act...

Rent Julia’s wardrobe here and find her on Instagram @julia_rabello